This calculator is designed to estimate the pea aphid density (aphids per plant) at which a control action should be taken in order for the producer to break-even on their investment of a control action (purchasing and applying insecticide). This break-even point is called the Economic Injury Level (EIL) (Pedigo et al. 1986).
PURPOSE: This tool makes recommendations regarding whether to spray insecticide late in the growing season to combat pea aphids and their viruses.
TIP: Initial values are provided in the form below to get you started. Please customize the form fields to best represent your conditions.
Crop Information
Crop Type: Lentil Pea
Crop Stage: (Late) > 4 weeks after crop emergence
Location: select from map (Risk value: )
Crop Income (Potential Value)
Maximum Yield: . x 100 lbs per acre
Crop Market Value: . $ per 100 lbs
Potential Crop Income: $ per acre
Spray Cost
Insecticide & amount:
Insecticide Cost: $ per gallon
Application Cost: $ per acre
Product Efficacy: % effectiveness
Total Spray Cost: $ per acre
Your Estimated Aphid Density
Select method and enter value: .
Analysis & Recommendation
Economic Injury Level (EIL) . or Break-Even Aphid Density:
Aphids per pea plant | Aphids per 25 - 180° sweeps |
Based on your selections and estimated aphid density: